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Supportive, versatile outdoor shoe built for adventure.

Support for Every Switchback

Keep your mind off your feet and on the scenery with CHICANE. Built-in support and grippy outsoles keep each step secure, while moisture-wicking liners help feet stay dry. Choose between durable leather uppers or an extra breathable mesh.

Quick Facts

KURU Footwear Shoe weight.



KURU Footwear sneakers width


Medium or Wide

KURU Footwear sneaker heel-to-toe drop.

Heel to Toe Drop


KURU Footwear Shoe Material.


Leather or Mesh

KURU Footwear Product Feature.

Grippy Outsoles

KURU Footwear Product Feature.

Superior Cushion

KURU Footwear Product Feature.

Gusseted Tongue

Best for: Hiking, Walking, Lifestyle

5 colors available: Mustang Brown-Mocha Brown

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Runs Small
True to Size
Runs Long

"This is my go to shoe for everyday comfort, support and stability"

Lee M.


Lasting Durability

Constructed with the finest materials to last from start to finish.


Effortless Stability

Grippy rubber outsoles help you stay grounded even on dicey terrain.

Technology with

Hugs that Heal

Unlike anything else, responsive KURUSOLE dynamically flexes with each step to hug and protect your heels. The curved, heel-cupping design protects the body’s natural cushioning system—the heel pad—so your feet stay happy and healthy for all of life’s moments.

KURU Technology


Designed for Life

We studied the foot’s natural biomechanics and created heel-first footwear to match. No flat insoles. No flimsy inserts. Every KURU features shock-absorbing KURUCLOUD, heel-hugging KURUSOLE, arch-supporting ULTIMATE INSOLES, and roomy toe boxes for Pain Relief Beyond Belief.

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