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Women's Shoes for Beach

(8.1k reviews)

Walking on the beach is one of life’s simple pleasures, but those picturesque and idyllic moments can quickly t... Show More

Since I bought these shoes, I've worn them constantly. They fit like a comfortable glove & make me feel like I'm walking on a cloud.

Ellen D.

Women's Shoes for Beach - List of products

Women's Shoes for Beach - List of products



Hiking, Gardening, Camping

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Warm Weather, Pool Days, Quick Errands

4 Colors



Hiking, Gardening, Camping

3 Colors



Casual Wear, Travel, Events

4 Colors



Errands, Everyday

3 Colors



Quick Errands, Mailbox Trips, Travel

3 Colors, 2 Widths



Errands, Everyday

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Errands, Everyday

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Workout Recovery, Around The House, Everyday

3 Colors



Outdoors, Summer Hiking, Lifestyle

4 Colors

Discover Your Personalized Shoe Recommendations

Loved by Customers Since 2008

54,453 Ratings
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Best Beach Shoes ever!

I love to walk on the beach , but wasn’t able to because of severe foot pain. These shoes have made it possible for me to walk a few miles on the beach . These shoes have made the quality of my life so much better. In addition, I can walk in the water with them. This is actually my second pair. The first pair are still going strong, but I wanted a pair to use as slippers after my shower. I appreciate these shoes so much."

Lisa G.

Best Ever

These are my go to sandals. I wore them to the beach , hiking, work, gardening, you name it these are the sandals for that activity. Keeps my feet happy and keeps me on the move. Just wish there were dress shoes this comfy."


Can’t wait to wear these at the beach!

Fit perfectly and comfortably with great support, just like all my KURUs. These have a great sole with lots of grippy traction. I think they will be great for walking outside on rocks and at the beach. So excited for summer with these! KURU always fits me true to size. I do have a slightly wider foot and these do great!"

Erin M.